motivation) are essential for attrition and determine an
independent variable. In order to test these two hypothesis the
author of this article has implemented certain investigation
procedures. They will be described in details in the next section.
4.3 Investigation
As it was mentioned in section 4.1. the investigation started in
March 2014 and it finished in October 2014. The experiment was
designed in such a way that it was possible for the teacher to
obtain information on the learners’ progress both in terms of
receptive (listening and reading) and productive (speaking and
writing) skills.
The study involved two groups. The choice of these two groups
was random. The experimental groups were studying English in
the traditional context. They were working
mainly in the classroom context but they were also asked to do
some extra activities at home in order to revise a new material.
Each group had 30 hours of English (1 academic hour is 45
minutes) in the classroom conditions. English instruction was
taking place once a week through 15 weeks and it finished in the
mid of June.
At the beginning of the experiment, that was third semester of
foreign language course, students were asked to do a pre-test. It
consisted of vocabulary, grammar, listening and reading section.
A course curriculum was designed in such a way that the
following topics were discussed: attitude to money, mobile phone
mania, music and advertisement and life in travel. Both groups
were graded in the classroom context during the whole research.
The students took two test in English. One and the other aimed at
checking their receptive skills namely reading and listening as
well as linguistic competence that is grammar and vocabulary.
Moreover, during the classroom practice productive skills were
At the end of summer term which fell on 19
of June 2014
students did a post-test. After that all the pupils had a holiday
break that lasted 3 months. They continued they foreign courses
at the beginning of October.
The object of the last stage of the investigation was to test
students’ knowledge after the holiday rest and to check what is
the loss of foreign language. Supplementary, it should be stated
that it was the last semester of English instruction. It ended in the
final examination. The next part will presents all the outcomes of
the research.
4.4 Results
After seven months of investigation the following result may be
presented. Since the limited scope of this publication the results
of only one group will be presented. Nevertheless, it is crucial to
indicate that both groups had similar outcomes. As it has been
mentioned the students took a pre- and post-tests. Chart 1
presents the results of these two.
According to the results presented in the chart the average grade
of the pre-test is 40% . However, a significant increase can be
notified in the post-test as the final grade was 67%. The highest
score of the pre-test was 63% whereas the worst was 21%. See
chart 1 for detailed findings of the investigation.
Chart 1. Results of the pre-test and post-test.
Both groups were graded in the classroom context during the
whole research. The students took two test in English. The results
of them are presented in the table below.
test 1
test 2
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
Student 4
Student 5
Student 6
Student 7
Student 8
Student 9
Student 10
Student 11
Average 67% 53%
Table 1 Results of the test written in the classroom context.
Comparing the results of these two tests it may be stated that the
second test was slightly more difficult for them since the
outcomes were a bit worse. Also one students did not pass it. It
may be may assumed that this happened because of the end of
semester and the fact that students might have been weighed
down on the numerous test they had to pass from other subjects.
The last diagram ( see chart 2) compares the results of the post-
test written in June with the one that students took after holidays.
Chart 2 Comparison of pre-test and post-tests.
The average results of all of the tests briefly provide a glimpse
into the problem of second language attrition. Therefore, the next
diagram presents the results in a condensed way.
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