Waiver policy
We encourage our authors to publish their papers with us and don’t wish the cost of publication processing fees to be an insurmountable barrier especially to authors from the low and lower middle income countries. A range of discounts or waivers are offered to authors who are unable to pay our publication processing fees. We use the World Bank Country Classification table to identify:
- Low income countries. Authors resident in these countries may apply to receive up to a 60% waiver of the standard publication processing fee;
- Lower middle income. Authors resident in these countries may apply to receive up to a 40% waiver of the standard publication processing fee.
- Suggested papers. Authors of suggested papers may apply to receive up to a 50% waiver of the standard publication processing fee.
If you are living in a developing country and need to apply for a waiver please email the Publisher:
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with the following information:
- Your name and institution with full address details
- Title of journal you wish to submit a manuscript to
- Reason for applying for a waiver
- Title of your paper
- Country of residence of any co-authors.