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Author Guidelines

Manuscript Submission

AD ALTA only accepts manuscripts submitted via the publishing system or sending a publishing request to Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript . To access this system, please, visit:
(If there is no respond within 48 hours after submitting you paper, please contact us by email.)

Manuscript Review

All manuscripts submitted to AD ALTA will be reviewed. AD ALTA uses blinded review (by EIC only). The names of the other reviewers (if applicable) will not be disclosed to the author submitting a paper and the name(s) of the author(s) will not be disclosed to the EIC / reviewers.

We aim to give authors a decision within four weeks of submission.

Manuscript Requirements

  • Please, download and use the template here.

Manuscripts must be submitted as a Word file and should be written in UK English. Papers should be no more than 9000 words, excluding references. All papers should include the following:

Title Page
The title page should include a descriptive title for the articles, the full names of all authors (first names, middle initials and last names), and the affiliations of all authors at the time of the work. Please also include the full postal address and e-mail of the corresponding author. A suggested running title of not more than 50 characters (including spaces) should be included.

Abstract and Key Words
The abstract should be limited to 250 words and is required for all articles. Abstracts should be structured according to the following headings: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions.

Identify 4-8 key words and list them in alphabetical order.

Main text
AD ALTA operates a system of blinded review (by EIC) and the names of the authors will not be disclosed to the reviewers (if applicable). Authors should therefore avoid including anything that could identify them within the text. This, for example, includes: the name of the institution at which the work was performed; initials of the authors; acknowledgements and names of institutions on illustrations, etc. Authors should also avoid statements that could identify them through references.

The main document should be structured according to the following headings (when appropriate):

  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgements (Acknowledgements should be brief and must include reference to sources of financial support. It is the responsibility of authors to clear the copyright of material obtained from other sources and this should be acknowledged.)
  • References (References should be limited to pertinent literature and formatted according to the Vancouver style. They should be numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text.)

Tables, figures
Tables should be number consecutively with Arabic numerals and have a brief descriptive title. Please include a list of figure legends following the references in the main text.

Supporting information
Supporting information can be a useful way for an author to include important but ancillary information with an article. Examples of Supporting Information include additional tables, data sets, figures, movie files, audio clips, 3D structures, and other related nonessential multimedia files. Supporting Information should be cited within the article text, and a descriptive legend should be included. It is published as supplied by the author, and a proof is not made available prior to publication; for these reasons, authors should provide any Supporting Information in the desired final format.

Creative Commons

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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