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The Journal

AD ALTA : Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (AD ALTA) is an international journal which publishes original, high-quality, peer-reviewed articles on interdisciplinary research. AD ALTA is published by the MAGNANIMITAS Assn. Since 2011, it has been published twice a year. AD ALTA aims to create sufficient space for publication activities and simultaneously a broad platform for the exchange of ideas, experiences, as well as the acquisition of new knowledge from research and creative work.

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The journal is currently indexed on the list of The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS), Web of Science - Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), CrossRef, EBSCO, Index Copernicus.

Creative Commons License
This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

MAGNANIMITAS |  AD ALTA: Journal Of Interdisciplinary Research , Československé armády 300, Hradec Králové | +420 498 651 292 | map